Member-only story
10 Rules of Honorable Men
Gentlemen aren’t born, they’re made.
There’s an old quote that’s been circulated millions of times, odds are you’ve seen it before:
Being a male is a matter of birth, being a man is a matter of age, but being a gentleman is a matter of choice.
That choice to be a gentleman — that is — to be a man of honor, however, is not a one time thing. It is a choice that we make every single day when we decide how we’re going to show up in the world and interact with the people around us.
So — what then — are these choices that separate the gentlemen from the rest of the pack? The men who hold themselves to higher standards. Let’s explore.
1: A man of honor is kind to everyone.
A man of quality is never afraid of equality.
The worldview that every human is valuable and worthy of respect is one that directly influences our quality of life and the reality we live in.
We interact with a variety of people on a regular basis, from the barista at our favorite coffee shop, to random people in traffic, to the people at the gym. The way we approach these interactions, no matter how fleeting, is a matter of dignity and…