12 Positive Things You Can Focus On To Ease Your Coronavirus Concerns

James Michael Sama
5 min readMar 17, 2020

Information is important, but information overload can cause unneeded stress and anxiety.

Photo by Elijah O’Donnell on Unsplash

With more time than usual to turn on the TV or scroll through social media, many of us are constantly immersed in Coronavirus conversation. Who is or isn’t worried, who’s still going out to bars, and which cities are shutting everything down because, well, people were still going out to bars.

While it is enormously important to be properly informed, there is such a thing as focusing too much on something that won’t be productive in the long run.

So, after you’ve gotten the proper and accurate information and updates about the current state of the pandemic, what else can you fill your time with?

1. Focus on comforting others.

This is a restless time for many. There is uncertainty, confusion, concern for self and those around us.

For those called to step into a role of leadership, the time is now. Whether it just be leading your household or millions of online followers, you have the opportunity to step up and provide perspective and insight to those who need it most.

Everyone is confused and navigating this first-in-a-lifetime event as it comes at us, but each of us have unique life experiences and wisdom that has come from them.

Reach out to loved ones, start conversations on social media, start virtual groups or video hangouts where people can connect.

Be a beacon in the darkness.

2. Focus on learning.

I’ve mentioned this in previous pieces but that’s because it’s important. We can use this time to gain new knowledge and expand our minds. Even if you do something as simple as dedicating your normal commuting time to listening to podcasts or audiobooks, you can use the technology all around you to your advantage.

3. Focus on new ways to make money.

Many are working from home with uninterrupted pay, but millions and millions of people are stuck without work until further notice. Now is the time to…



James Michael Sama

I help you evolve into the ultimate version of yourself. Life & Executive Coach. Multi #1 writer. Trusted by: CNN, CNBC, NY Post, CBS, more. Say hi! @JamesMSama