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15 Phrases The Most Confident People Tell Themselves
How you talk to yourself creates your reality.
Who‘s writing the story of your life? I mean really, honestly, truly — who’s got the pen?
Is it you? Or, is it the multitude of voices in your ear every single day from society and the people around you?
Are your thoughts, beliefs, and values really yours, or are they simply modified versions of what you’ve been told by others?
Have you adopted the narratives of other people and called them your own? Or have you worked to create and develop your own storyline?
In this article, we’ll discuss some phrases that you can use to remind yourself of who you are, what you stand for, and where you’re going in this life.
Remember that simply thinking or reciting a collection of words in itself is, quite literally, a waste of time. (Sorry, positive affirmation believers…)
What’s actually meaningful is developing the real and true beliefs that what you’re saying to yourself reflects reality. It’s honest. You have the power to put it into action — action that reinforces the statement. Without that, it’s just vapor.