People With Healthy Emotional Boundaries Do These 10 Things

What treatment do you accept from others?

James Michael Sama
8 min readJan 10, 2022


Boundaries, as we know them, exist in all areas of life. They exist on sports fields, in video games, as jurisdictions, and lines drawn on maps.

They serve to create a space where something can, or cannot happen.

When we set emotional boundaries for ourselves, we are drawing a line around the types of treatment we will, or won’t accept from other people.

How do you know that you’ve got healthy emotional boundaries?

Here are ten things people with healthy boundaries do:

1: They can say no.

Sometimes, improving your life isn’t just about adding more good things, it can be about subtracting negative things.

Not necessarily things that are harmful or toxic, but even simple everyday things that are keeping you from being, or doing your best.

Think about invitations you’ve accepted in the past for things you really didn’t want to do — but maybe you felt bad, or pressured, or guilty…so, you went.

Think about how many people you’ve spent time with, or even gone on dates with, because “meh, it’s worth a shot I guess.” But, in reality, you damn



James Michael Sama

I help you evolve into the ultimate version of yourself. Life & Executive Coach. Multi #1 writer. Trusted by: CNN, CNBC, NY Post, CBS, more. Say hi! @JamesMSama