The Definitive Guide To What Women (Really) Want In Relationships

Not as complicated as you may think.

James Michael Sama
13 min readDec 6, 2023


Men: “Women are so complicated.”

Women: “Actually, we just wa — “

Men: “How will we ever know what they want?”

Women: “It’s simple if you’d just lis — “

Men: “I guess we’ll never know.”

It’s the age old question — what do women want?! A conundrum that has been on the minds of men and women alike since…well, the dawn of time.

Often just accepted as one of the world’s greatest mysteries, I actually think the answers lie within the boundaries of common sense and communication.

I’ve been speaking to and coaching women (and men) for over a decade, and of course every single person is unique and has their own wants, needs, and desires — I do believe there are some consistencies that we can count on as being universally accurate.

Let’s explore some of them, shall we?

Disclaimer: You should always strive for open and honest communication with the person you love so you can understand their most intimate thoughts and feelings.



James Michael Sama

I help you evolve into the ultimate version of yourself. Life & Executive Coach. Multi #1 writer. Trusted by: CNN, CNBC, NY Post, CBS, more. Say hi! @JamesMSama