Mrs. Rachel Sama and James Michael Sama

The Timeless Dating Etiquette OF High-Value Men

Ways to set yourself apart.

James Michael Sama
7 min readAug 8, 2024


Times change, and along with them — social norms change. Technology changes. Acceptable behavior changes (sometimes for better, sometimes for worse), and basically, well, everything changes.

We’ve rightfully left behind a lot from our past as our society has evolved and become more conscious about our actions — but the past wasn’t all bad.

There are still lessons we can take from proper etiquette, manners, and what pop culture understands as “chivalry,” while allowing the pieces that we don’t want, to fade away.

Here are 15 acts of chivalry, applied for the modern era.

1: Be honest about your intentions.

First thing’s first — there is nothing chivalrous or honorable about leading a woman on, or being insincere simply to get what you want.

It may not seem like a big deal to you if you’re just not feeling it and decide to stop answering calls or texts one day, but actions like that can really linger in someone’s mind and cause trust or self-worth issues.

Consistently communicating your feelings or intentions in an open and honest way will help to eliminate confusion and help the…



James Michael Sama

I help you evolve into the ultimate version of yourself. Life & Executive Coach. Multi #1 writer. Trusted by: CNN, CNBC, NY Post, CBS, more. Say hi! @JamesMSama