Todd, welcome back.
I don't really understand the presuppositions that women are never requested/required to put in effort without needing to be asked. I, myself, have countless articles on that exact topic both here on Medium and on my blog.
Nobody ever said women are exempt - just because an article is about men's behavior doesn't mean that women's behavior doesn't matter - it just means the article is about men's behavior...simple.
Obviously there is nothing wrong with asking. My article doesn't say anything of the sort. The point you're irked about is that a man should do nice things without NEEDING to be asked. Taking out the trash, doing the laundry, cleaning the dishes, cooking dinner after a long day...none of that is rocket science nor should it require an explicit request if the man is willing to put in the effort.
Again, you seem to be making arguments against things I never said:
1: I never said women are exempt from equal effort. In fact I often say the opposite.
2: I never said there's anything wrong with asking - in fact, I often ENCOURAGE men to be better communicators and EXPLORE the needs of the woman in their life (and then - act on them).
So, I'm really not sure what the issue is here with my statement(s) or article because the statements you seem to be annoyed with aren't ones that I ever even made...
Perhaps if you find further time to peruse more of my writing (here or the 800+ articles on you'll get a better idea of my philosophy, because clearly this article didn't express it clearly enough on my behalf.
All the best,
- James